Netflix now lets you log out of specific devices remotely

Starting today, Netflix users will be able to see all the devices linked to their account and have the option to remotely log out of each one individually. For each device, you'll see the type of hardware (say, a smart TV or Android phone), the profile that was most recently used to watch something on that device, the last time Netflix streamed something to it and the approximate location based on the IP address. The new Manage Access and Devices page will be available on the web, iOS and Android.

Netflix suggests this could be helpful for when you're traveling over the holiday period. Perhaps you might use your account on a hotel's smart TV, but you forget to log out before leaving. From the Manage Access and Devices page on your account settings, you'll be able to sign out from that specific device remotely. Until now, Netflix has only offered the option to log out of all devices.

Netflix Manage Access and Devices menu

The company has been making moves in recent weeks that will make it easier for you to kick someone out of your account ahead of a crackdown on password sharing. It started rolling out the option to transfer a profile with all data and preferences to a new account. If you're generous enough, you can give your ex, old roommate or kids a chance to keep their watch history, My List, game save data and so on before you give them the boot.

A key reason why this feature is important is the fact that Netflix will start charging extra fees for users who are accessing the service outside of the account holder's immediate household. So, you can more easily get rid of moochers who are using your account before Netflix starts charging you more for them.

Moreover, the Manage Access and Devices feature could help you figure out if someone is accessing your account using a leaked password. In any case, if you remotely log a certain device out, it might be a good idea to change your password to ensure only the people you want to access your Netflix account can do so.


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